"Witnessing the conditions that our muslim brothers, sisters and children of Syria are facing on a day to day basis just for Survival brings tears to ones eyes, and this is just the condition of the refugees who fled to Turkey. The question that lingers in ones mind is what and how much worse off is the conditon of the innocent civilians that are left inside Syria?" , expressed one of the team members
AThe group visited 3 Turkish cities on the Syrian boarder (namely: Kilis, Reyhanli and Antakya) and also Istanbul where they visited rehabilitation centres, hospitals, orphanages, centres for widows and did house visits..
As the Syrain crises intensifies the demand and need of the Syrian refugees inside of Syria and of those who flee to Turkey and other European countries increase on a daily basis requiring safety and shelter as a priority whilst food and water become an unknown source..
Upon their return the group in conjunction with Al Imdaad have decided to start more projects such as feeding schemes, empowerment projects and building or masjids and madrasahs, above current operations such as adoptions of orphans , widows and families aswell as medical supplies nd feeding schemes in Syria
Nabi Muhammed – peace be upon him – said: “You will be split up into groups of armies. An army will be in Shaam, an army in Yemen and an army in Iraq.” Ibn Hawlah – may Allah be pleased with him – said: “Choose for me O messenger of Allah if I’m around to witness that. So he said: “You must join Shaam, for it is the chosen land of Allah in His earth. In it the chosen ones among His servants shall have protection. Otherwise, go to Yemen but be prepared to drink from still water. For Allah has given me a guarantee concerning Shaam and its people.” [Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawood].
We urge the Muslim community of South Africa to open up our hearts and donate generously to this course and help our muslim brothers and sisters who are in dire need of our financial support
Banking details are as follows:
Type of Account : Current Account
Bank: HBZ
Branch :Vereeniging
Bank Branch Code :570 101
Account No. :11 901 287218
Ref: Shaam -zakaat/lillah
Cash or cheque deposits Only :
A/C NO:408 463 6633
REFERENCE: 287218- zakaat/lillah
Alternatively, deposits can be made directly at any HBZ Bank Ltd branch.
Please email proof of payment to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For info please feel free to contact Hafiz Mohammed Ravat (Purple Bandage) on 072 8852 514
Attached below are just a few pictures to give a glimpse of the life that our fellow muslims are living..
'Dont let it be there was a person in need and no muslim to help ' ~PurpleBandage NPC - Healing Humanity
1. Miracle Child 1year old Asma who was found under rubble after the families house was destroyed by fighter jets. . Pictured behind 21 year old Syrian mujahid who was injured fighting against the regime.. resulting in him being paralysed aswell as loosing his arm
2. SYRIAN father of 5 kids, who lost his wife and 3 other kids in the war, now live in am empty garage with a sail as a door covering. Living on concrete and with no water supply. . Selling packs of tissues to support his family
3. Syrian orphans under the age of 10 years. . All being affected in th war and loosing parents aswell as family members .. orphanage sponsored by Al Imdaad Foundation
12 year old Syrian youngster in Turkish Hospital with a broken leg due to a bomb blast at his home in Syria
Syrian orphan at a rehabilitation centre in Turkey after his left had to be amputated due to injuries sustained
A Syrian father nd 5 kids stay in this empty garage with a sail as a door and no running water. picture taken Friday 1st April 2016
The group mamaged to secure a small apartment for the father and is 5kids who can now live with dignity. . Picture taken Saturday 2nd April 2016